Submit Chapters

Hey guys!This is the page where you submit your chapters!Maybe you'll win and get your chapter posted on LoL!


  1. Chapter Five-Meeting Mist
    Wolfrock took a step closer to the lake.
    "Hello." A calm voice said behind her.
    Wolfrock, startled, jumped around, only to see a cloud of fog. "Who's there?"
    "I am." Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white wolf walked out. "Hello, I am Mist."
    "M-Mist?" Wolfrock was astonished. The wolf was gorgeous, unlike her dull gray fur. "The Mist?"
    "Of Mt. Gizemdag, yes. Foehn has told me much about you."
    "What are you doing here?"
    "Coming to meet you." The white wolf took a step closer. "I am Mist of Mt. Gizemdag. I am the Guardian of it. What about you?"
    "I-I am Wolfrock, you lives in a den just below Mt. Gizemdag. I-I have spread the news of the Lake of Life...And I document tragedy."
    "Tragedy? Why not comedy?"
    Wolfrock averted her eyes, looking nervous.
    "Why?" Mist repeated.
    Wolfrock gulped, then said, "I know not of happiness, just death."
    Cherryspice made her nest so it would be just comfy enough. Suddenly she smelled mist, who promptly walked into the den.
    "Why so happy?"
    "I met Wolfrock. And I have a question to solve."
    "What do you mean?" Cherryspice asked, not making direct eye contact.
    "I mean something is troubling her, just what?"
    "Well, how do you know?"
    "She said, 'I know not of happiness, but of death." Not exactly that, of course, but something like that."
    "Hmmm...Sounds like a she-wolf with some problems in her life."
    "What do you mean?" Mist had a puzzled look on her face, like she had know idea.
    "Well, no creature says that without anything bad happening in her life. How old is she?"
    "About forty-eight moons."
    "Hmmm...Does she have a mate?"
    "I do not believe so. Foehn said nothing of it, just that she was a young, curious wolf."
    "Then it must of been when she was a pup. Something to do with her family, probably."
    "Oh, thank you Cherryspice!"
    Mist rushed of to see Foehn.

  2.'s my *sorta* chapter, it's short:
    ***The Sign***
    Leaves crackled softly under Thorn's pads as he padded through the trees. He stopped, sniffing for any trace of rabbit as the silent breeze rippled across his pelt.
    Scent of birds with their annoying songs, faint traces gone stale of dog, and an odd scent, one that was new on Thorn's tounge, but he knew couldn't be.....
    "There's something different,isn't there?"
    Thorn whipped around, growling, to find Woodswolf watching him,sitting down. MoonLight emerged also,in her wolf form, and sat down next to Woodswolf, hidden in the shadows.
    "So can I." MoonLight said.
    "Don't sneak up on me like that again!" he muttered, furirus he had not even been able to smell a wolf.
    "So, you can smell it?" Woodswolf pressed.
    "Course I can."
    "It's the two legged creatures, I think..Something's different about them though, this time. There's another scent." she said.
    Thorn snorted. "You sure aren't a coyote."
    She growled slightly, but MoonLight cut across her.
    "It's the smell of the cutters."
    Memories flashed by in Thorn's head,yowls screechs, and the scent of terror.
    "The cutters tear everything apart. They cut down trees, but that's just the beggining." MoonLight paused.
    "Every coyote knows it." growled Thorn. "The scent of the cutters is the scent of beggining of destrution, of terror, and....the cutter's are the beggining of the end."

  3. Hmm....Nice one Jindo.Is there any more?

  4. @Darling
    Thx Darling..:)
    There isn't any more....that's all I could think of at the time:)

  5. im so glad people are posting chapters!lol

    @Jindo very nice chapter! (even though it was a bit short that is alright!) i liked how descriptive it was.

    @Silverstorm: i thought your chapter is very good also, nice work! and wow..that is almost exactly how i picture Mist! ^.^

    Good luck choosing the chapter Darling...XD

  6. @Bunnylove3
    Yeah, a few mistakes. Sorry, I'm just really big on grammar, and one sentence made absoluteness no since XD

  7. So hard to choose.....Give me a day : )

  8. Chapter Whatever number it is
    oh darn it I'll have to do it tommorow

  9. @Bunnylove3
    Thanx....:) I know, it's short.:)
    Forgot to mention it....but that's an awesome chapter.:)

  10. DCP Moderator bunnylove3August 05, 2011

    I forgot to tell you...
    That you should read the L.O.L story before writing your chapter. (because the story that you will be writing is the continuation of the story.)
    Does that make sense? I just wanted to remind ya. Its just like Crane yah.

    P.S look to the left...Darling has decided to make you a bunny apparently. Is that ok?

  11. Oh yeah....I just didn't know what to do with the dolphin....I mean where would it live?A lake is too small....
    Congrats!You have won!
    Sorry but I liked Silverstorms better....Maybe next time....It would help if you made it a little longer....Once again I'm sorry maybe next time???

  12. @Darling Snowypaw:
    No problem..I liked Silverstorms too...maybe I'll try again next time:)

  13. chapter 6
    The last Peaceful night

    As moonlight approached the lake of life,she heard a quiet noise,then she got splashed a bit to see a bunny she never saw before who had fallen in while drinking water from the lake.His name was Funfin."H-h-h-h-i"said Moonlight,shivering a bit.Funfin hopped out of the water."Hiya!"said funfin faintly as he hopped back home.Mist,however,seemed to notice this,so she came down Mt.Gizemdag to find Wolfrock-again-staring at Moonlight,not moonlight the coyote, by now ,but THE moonlight.Foehn was heading home but still looking down on the ground,seeing just the regular things he usally sees,execpt for,a mysteryous bunny?,and of course,a ship,Foehn was still thinking that ship was a bit suspicous,so he went to Mt.Gizemdag to get a better look till he went to sleep.Cherryspice was alsleep as well as Thorn and Blackfur.Woodswolf was walking near the unexpected bunny ,cave?Woodswolf just looked at the cave carved out as trees,leaves,and twigs but kept on going,then turned around,and went into the cave,with a rabbit shape carved on top of the entrance.there awaited Funfin,humming at the fire.Woodswolf scurried back home so Funfin could not notice her.Moonlight had fainted a few minutes earlier because of the encounter at the lake,but she drank a bit more water when she got up,then went back to her cave.Foehn,still staring at the ship,had to rest a little.wolfrock took one last look at the lake,then ran to one end of the forest,then to her den.Mist was walking to the corner of the forest to watch everyone leaving to make sure they were safe,then she noticed Funfin's Bunny cave.she stopped in to see if anyone was there,mist saw nothing,but a fire,a lot of more space then most lone caves,and a small rabbit lieing down near the fire.As the only animal other than Mist that was still awake,Funfin took one look at the gorgeus wolf behind him,then got up."Hi!"said Funfin."hello"said mist,quietly,"Nice to meet you,uum...Mist is it?"said Funfin.Mist nodded,then took off.Foehn had woke up,and looked at the ship one last time,then fell alsleep,Foehn dreamed only of what might happen tommorow,but that would be horrifing,Foehn Thought about this for a minute,then went back to sleep

  14. Aparently for some reason I feel like writing the 7th chapter that follows my 6th todday,will make it now.

  15. Funwow,WCC Historian????August 06, 2011

    Chapter 7,

    The predictions revealed

    Thorn,sturugleling to get to his food-catching spot,suprised to find no rabbits there,it seems the two legged aniamals(otherwise known as people dumb aniamals!,DO NOT SHOW THESE PARENTASES IN THE STORY IF IT GETS PICKED)have already killed all the lone rabbits.turns out all the wolfs and coyotes who search in certain spots for food didn't find anything,all other than Mist,who used her power to find out Funfin was the one to get food from.Foehn and Mist knew what was going to happen,and they knew they were going to need everyone's help,even a a lone rabbit that Thorn can hardly resist eating..........Funfin took a small glipse of the future with his powers too,since he gets ALL his food from the Lake of Life.all three knew that something had to be helping the two legged...but they just couldn't image it,but yes,they thought the have killed every rabbit,but couldn't resist bringing back a few to eat,but they haden't took any regular rabbits,they took Funfin's PARENTS.Funfin's powers led throughout his whole family,Funfin almost fainted to know they were alive,the fragnuance they left had made the two legged keep going..closer and closer.While Funfin slept,Blazeheart had sneaked into Funfin's den.and ate him!but Mist had told woodswolf to tell everyone to watch Blazeheart's every move,she said wolf clans had taken over her body and can't resist the hunting they do,so She predicted SOMEONE was going to get eaten.lucky for Funfin,Blazeheart had eaten one of Funfins illusions that looks,tastes,smells,feels,and do the same thing regular bunnies do,She also got the filling of it,but she thought she had the real thing.everyone but Mist and Foehn had thought Blazeheart had eaten Funfin.Foehn flew down to tell everyone what happened,and Mist told Foehn also what Funfin might do to protect the forest and the lake of Life.Cherryspice had overheard this,who woke up Moonlight,who woke up Blackfur,who told everyone to come into Funfin's one really cared,But blackfur seemed to be wrong this time,Funfin was preparing something big,really big,something that might fight the humans away...A few hours latereveryone had gone to the lake,even Cherryspice,execpt Funfin and Mist,Funfin is the only one who Mist actually visits,other than Wolfrock,who has been writing in her diary when all this happened.Mist and Funfin have made something that Mist had to tell Foehn to tell Woodswolf to tell Blackfur to tell Moonlight to tell cherryspice to tell Wolfrock who might tell Blazefur to tell Thorn.Funfin and Mist had invented the super power energy drink..they both drank some and mist brang it to foehn and Foehn brang it to everyone but Cherryspice,but foehn gave Moonlight a bit extra to give to Cherryspice.That evening Funfin was actually unusasly Hunting?not for food,but for his parents,he smelled his parents,from very close..then,he sw it,he saw 2 medium sized bunnies,and Funfin took a look at the past to see what happened...His mind told him that the two legged had tooken a rest for about 2 minutes,and his parents got up and escaped from the cage they were caught in. funfin had remembered the names of his parents,but not even Mist knew...the names(not in real life do not show these parenteses in the story if it gets picked)were Liliz (pronounced Lil-i-zzzz)and Masteren(mas-trr-nnnnn)as funfin's reuniteation was ending,They had come,it was MIDNIGHT,and They came.......Funfin took his family to safety then told Mist to tell Foehn to tell everyone.Funfin rushed to his house, and had 12 whole bottles of energy drink for everyone..he gave his parents 2 bottles,one for each,had one himself,then rushed out to give the remainings to the rest.Foehn's predictions were right,The 2 legged had came.but Funfin and Mist had already braced the whole forest and everyone in it for attack in just 30 everything was prepared.

  16. Whoa that's longer than I thought

  17. I suppose I shall make Chapter 8 too?

    Chapter 8,The fight...

    overnight thi 2 legged had rested.Mist used her super spy work to take everything important from the what she found out humans,AKA People/person but nothing big though,she did not want to get noticed for something big taken.She took what she thought was intresting.She took what they call and just inventented"Money",she took what they call Hats,and what they call bullets too,but she did not see the secret pocket of what they call bags,and they had an extra,large supply of them.Mist also tooka broken part of the Cutter, a sludgehammer,and a piece of The what is now presently legendary Mayflower.The next morning after everyone but the bunnie family had a good nights sleep.The bunnie family had been inventing all throughout the night after Funfin told them what had happened since he was born.they had invented useful things such as flavoring accent(to lure the humans to places that they cannot attack the forest)The mail assortment plan(since we cannot run to eachothers den to talk,they invented an industrail robot to deliver what they call letters to each others house)and..they invented the force field.a defenseif object.The battle haD BEGUN..first one to fight seemed to be lonely Cherryspice,who dodged all the bullets,but got hit with one-in the eye,Funfin and his parents were still sleeping,but they woke up to find cherryspice- almost dead..all she could move was her right mother carried the suffering cherryspice to Mist...but Mist refused to bury Cherryspice.She had a long life ahead of her,but she could hardly move,Mist had gone into the secret room in Mt Gizemdag,and laid her to heal in the magical room that she had made with the energy drink.Everyone was battling now.but it seemed Wolfrock wasn't looking at the time and she got shot in the leg,but with Funfin's Force field,it bounced off,and headed for the humans.THIS CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE MARKED TO BE CONTINUED,I WILL FINISH TOMMOROW!

  18. Chapter 8-part 2

    As the bullets headed for the humans....the bullet hit the tree next to Funfin's Bunny cave.Mist used her tiny bit of psychic powers to put the tree back up.Masteren put some tape that Mist toook from the humans on the tree.Cherryspice was feeling better by now,but she sccuried back to Moonlight's cave to rest a bit.Foehn was Sky-attacking with his beak on the humans,but Lilliz used Funfin's cannon he pieced together with some of the things Mist took and used the small supplie of bullets Mist had taken. Funfin was preparing his attack,he had gotten shot when he forgot to turn on his force field.Funfin was claimed dead in 10 minutes of battling.funfin was rolling into the Lake of Life when he was"dead"but however,he wasn't dead-that was his illusion!Funfin's sprit had gone into the dead illusion and prepared his attack underwater.Blazeheart had been charging at the humans because of her clan-insticnes and it turns out she got a close-up shooting.....Blazeheart was claimed dead and was put near the grave in Mt. Gizemdag.10 days later Mist had taken everything super small from the humans.and Blazeheart had healed from the shooting she had and Funfin had his attack preparedhe jumped out of the water and shot out his SoulHeart Beam out.and it hit the humans,Scar had been damaged superly,but Frank ran away from it.But however the aftermath of Funfin's beam is one Big Twister.....Frank and Scar took cover in the cabin they built of wood.and Funfin told everyone to find anything to braace themselves and their dens.Funfin used a few tree loggs to help his cave withstand it.Wolfrock and Blazeheart planned in Wolfrocks diary and went out to get a boulder.Moonlight,blackfur,and Cherryspice were getting some leaf juice to store forthe Machine funfin made for them can be used and will brace their dens.Thorn didn't care.his den was made out of iron that the storms had passed over onto his house.Woodswolf had just joined Funfin in his house,As well as Foehn and Mist.after the Twister had hit,Blazeheart had been super hungry-so she had to go to Funfin's den..she needed to eat another Funfin.Funfin had 120 illusions for everyone to eat.soon the twister was over.but Scar and Frank had almost given up.but they fighted and fighted until the end!However,many animals were found dead during this time..Cherryspice,Blazeheart,blackfur,And Wolfrock.....But by now they are fully healed and the batle Keeps Going on....

  19. Hmmm...Mind if I add a new character? A dwarf hamster (I know they live in Russia, but it'd be cool to see in a hamster's mind! It would kind of be like a bunny or rat). I believe I added it, I'd just like to change her age. I'll have to change her form, if that's okay?

  20. Name:Sky
    Species: Campbell's Dwarf Hamster
    Gender: Female
    Description: Sky is very smart, and very sarcastic. However, she's not very stubborn at all. She's a strange color. Although she looks normal, if you get closer you realize she's more of a silvery blue color. Although she's remarkably noticeable meadow, she lives near a stream and blends right in. She lives in a very, very deep tunnel. She is invisible to humans, because she is so small. However, she knows a lot about them...
    Personality: Creative, Sarcastic, Wise
    Age: 177 Moons (Oldest Dwarf Hamster in the world, THAT is more than two years)

  21. Ok,in my next chapter I'll include her

  22. bunnylove3August 19, 2011

    Im pretty sure you can only enter one chapter at a time... just sayin

    @funwow: can i give you some constructive criticism on your chapters? (im just trying to help, im not doing this in a mean way.)
    (if so read on..)
    Well, first of all, i think you made the pace of the story wayy too fast. like, by the time your chapters ended the battle is almost done! i was thinking we wouldn't get to that point until chapter 20 or so. soo maybe you could enter later? when we get to that point =)
    I thought that it was a bit some of the things in it. Good use of all the characters though! But your sentences were kind of choppy and jumped from one thing to another, ya know what i mean? im just trying to show you places you could improve, not saying i can do any better then you did.
    Im sorry, but that's just my honest opinion...

  23. Hi, I'm olsey2 and if you wanna know my password just friend me and I will tell you.

  24. @bunnylove3

    I guess I did make it a bit fast paced,and it would really turn out bad is there would only be a chapter 11,all I can say is that I'm sorry for all that trouble of my chapters..................delete them if you want,you won't be hearing from me in a while........

  25. Chapter 6: The Small Creature
    Thorn wailed desperately. When was the last time he’d had food? He couldn’t even remember. He felt so frail, but he tried his best not to show it. I’m tough; I’m clever, not small and feeble.
    “Looking for food?” a voice said from nowhere. It was immediately recognizable.
    “Yes, Woodswolf. Who wouldn’t?”
    “Oh, I don’t know. Prey is too scarce. And barely a single rabbit or anything here. Have you heard of the new rabbit, Funfin, or the wolf pack that has moved near the lake? One of them is called Blazeheart. I don’t quite understand everything right now. I mean, I know the humans are trying to do something to the lake, but why are so many animals coming and staying here?”
    “That must be solved.” A wolf came up to them. It was Moonlight.
    “Where did you come from?” Thorn asked snottily.
    “You sound like a pup when you do that.” Moonlight walked over and sat down.
    Thorn smelled something strange. It was almost a mouse scent, but more bitter…Suddenly he saw it: A small mouse-like creature with a stripe on its back, white belly, and shorter tail. He got close to ambush, but the creature ran into a burrow. The creature poked its head out, only to pull it back in from Thorn’s swinging paw.
    “Stop!” Moonlight said. “Come out, little one.”
    The creature looked at her. “I’m older than you! I’m the oldest hamster that ever lived!”
    “What’s a hamster?” Thorn asked, looking at the strange rodent.
    “A hamster is mouse-like, but smarter, a bit bigger, and more efficient. We’re still easy prey, but these burrows go down a long way. No paw or leg is nearly as long as our burrows. And we big fast. We may be small, but we are powerful.”
    “What is your name? And how old are you? How come we’ve never seen anymore of your species?”
    “My name is Sky, because my pelt is the color of the sky. I am 170 moons, the oldest hamster to ever live. And I am the first hamster in this land.”
    “Well, Sky, how old is the normal hamster when it dies?” Thorn asked, over confident.
    Suddenly a white wolf came to join them, followed by an eagle and rabbit. “Ah, another arrival. Thorn, Woodswolf, Moonlight, this is Funfin. And who is you newest discovery?”
    “Hello, Mist. This is Sky. She claims to be much older than you.”
    “I’m 170 moons! I can’t help my powers! And maybe if no one attacked me, I’d be perfectly fine and could actually help you!”
    “What powers? And how could you help us?”
    “I have a much better sense of smell than most hamsters. And I also know quite a bit about humans. I could help you overpower them.”
    “Why, hello Sky. How did you know about the humans?”
    “News spreads fast around here. I heard a young gray wolf talking to this coyote.” She directed her nose toward Thorn.
    “You must have heard Wolfrock and Thorn talking. And you could be valuable to us. Maybe Wolfrock will lend you a place in the back of her den?”
    Suddenly Wolfrock walked over. Her gray fur was wet. “What’s the fuss all about?”
    “This is Sky, Wolfrock. Would you lend her a spot in the back of your den?”
    “I’d be delighted.” Wolfrock tipped her head to Mist in respect and then turned to Sky. She put her head down further, and Sky promptly walked atop of it.
    “She could help us learn more about them. And I know much about us. We could use anyone who could help, even someone as small as Sky.” Funfin said. Thorn was jealous of him. Why can’t I be modest? He walked away, unhappy with the wise newcomers. Why couldn’t he be as swift as Wolfrock, as mystical as Mist, as wise as Funfin, and as helpful as everyone else? Everyone had a specialty but him. Even the small rodent was more gifted than him. Even a speck of dust was more gifted than him. How he hated to be treated like this. Was all he was a stupid coyote?

    ***Sorry for making another chapter so quick. I'm not going to make one next time***
    You should still write!

  26. bunnylove3August 25, 2011

    Nah, of course we wont delete them! you worked really hard on them i think they deserve to be in the story. perhaps when we get to the "battle" we could use one of them....your choice.

  27. bunnylove3August 26, 2011

    ..whoops! meant to say at funwow LOL!

  28. @silverstorm

    That's a real good chapter!it should get picked!

    @bunnylove I guess you could do that....maybe I'll do a Way New and improved chapter today...

    Thank you all for your support!


  29. I guess I decided to write again(don't count the rest of my chapters)

    Chapter 6

    Lake encounter

    Woodswolf was strolling near the lake of life when a noise startled her.The noise was coming from a nearby bush.She was suprised to see 2 somewhat small animals she never saw before.A sea greenish rabbit and a small hamster.The rabbit was so startled that he stumbled into the lake.The Hamster quietly introduced herself."Hi,my name is Sky,A campbell's dwarf hamster,very nice to meet you woodswolf"said the hamster.The small bunny introduced himself,followed by a splash."Hi!My name is Funfin,one of the last surviving rabbits here,I'm the last male of my spieces also." Funfin got a little carried away telling woodswolf about himself until he finally ran away to his burrow to dig up some sunflower seeds-as his small diet causes him to drink tons of water from the lake.Thorn was looking for a rabbit to eat,found Funfin,and just snorted."You look too small for me,but you also look tasty,I'll have to think about you.
    Mist was carving out a small anagram on Mt.Gizemdag's side with a rock,I think it said you were to get eaten by me."
    Mist was actually flying down to the ground with Foehn's help,tring to introduce the new animals,as they found Funfin wrapped around in leaves and dirt near the top of the Mountain,so Funfin told Mist about Sky and Sky told Funfin about Blazeheart because Sky was with Funfin when found but Sky had a little burrow near the top of the mountain.So did funfin,or at least he was working on his.Cherryspice was secretly riding on Wolfrock while Wolfrock was running to the lake of life since sunset was minutes away and she likes to meet moonlight there.Blazeheart was strangely indepentent while making her den.blackfur was practicing his Just Banging Hardly At A Boulder routine.The sun was set and it was nearly pitch black.many went back to their homes.Mist was talking to Sky and Funfin about something no one knew about.Another mystery about the lake of life Foehn Assumed.He was the only one awake other than The three down near the was pitch black so Mist took them up near the mountain top to their burrows.Foehn finally went alsleep still thinking about everythig he had gone through since he came to the lake of life.Mist just lay down on the mountain and went alsleep sooner or later.The next morning there was somewhat commotion near the lake.....

  30. Oh wow Sorry haven't been here in a while.....I've been mainly on DCP Really hehe....

  31. bunnylove3August 27, 2011

    =D congrats funwow for winning! good try silverstorm yours was still good!
    funwow urs was really good for real! ^.^

    i think i might write a chapter pretty soon..but i am busy with the drawing..
    uhg for the life of me i cant draw a hamster! xD

  32. @bunnylove3
    Draw a mouse with a short tail. :P

  33. @Silverstorm:
    Awesome was a really cool chapter, and that's exactly as I imagined Thorn:)
    Kewl chapters! Congrats on getting picked!

    Maybe I'll attempt another chapter..I'm completly out of ideas.. XP

  34. I will post my chapter A.s.a.p! =)

  35. When Wolfrock awoke the next morning, she went down to the lake of life. She did this frequently, and no one thought anything of it. When she got down there, she knew something was wrong. She was the first animal down here this morning; her nose told her that. Her nose also took in another smell. Not a good one. The smell of humans. But there was something else.... what WAS it? Soon she heard the startled cry of Moonlight. She ran over to her startled friend "what?" whispered Wolfrock. "th-that smell..." Cried the bewildered wolf. "the humans? I know.... Horrible...." "No, no. Yes, the smell of the humans is bad, but there is something much worse along with it. The smell of the cutter." "the cutter?" It was funfin and Sky, they had just arrived. "whats the cutter?" "the cutter is a horrible thing that the humans use to cut down the trees... To cut down our HOME!" Replied Moonlight. Soon Cherryspice came running up. "wolfrock!!!! moonlight!!!!" what, Sugar, what?" "FOOTPRINTS!" "offfff....?" "HUUUUMMAAAAANNNNSSSS" Cherryspice stretched out the word like it was bubblegum. The gang followed Cherryspice to a spot accross the clearing, and witnessed some horrible sights. Cut down stumps of trees! Only a few, but there were also boot prints... And if only the animals knew that the tube leading into the lake was sucking the water out... They didn't know that, but they did know something else. They would have to think, and think FAST if they wanted to keep living at the lake!

  36. Well,It could have been a bit longer,I read that in 15 secs

  37. well,its not much shorter than some of the others.

  38. =( it wont let me post my chapter!

    btw, Yeah paigeh your chapter is fantabulous!

  39. Oh congrats paigeh,I'll be putting up your chapter!

  40. sigh im disappointed my chapter wasn't used but hey i already have a chapter in the story it doesnt matter. Great job paigeh your chapter iz fantabulous!

  41. i have a chapter, but i did one recently. but i cant stand to see the lake of life discontinued, so if no one else posts a chapter, you could use mine. but if there others, i DID do one recently.... and if bunny's works, dont even consider mine, shes a great writer!!!

    A mystery, by paigeh52

    Moonlight, now in her coyote form, stepped up to the arrow men. she snarled. One of the men let loose an arrow, and it just skimmed the top of her head. But that was no ordinary arrow. it was a signal. it was a signal that meant for everyone else to shoot. there weren't all that many people, but one or two arrows would kill moonlight, easy. the arrows started shooting every which way, and Moonlight did her best to dodge them. But one struck her leg. she feel, and couldn't get back up. Thorn stepped forward to help, but Moonlight snarled, "Don't risk your lives. stay in the forest!" But thorn ignored her. he stepped into the firing range, shielding Moonlight. An arrows want speeding straight towards his head. it would be a killer, if a large mysterious creature weren't waiting in the shadows. Whatever it was, it jumped in to block the shot with his/her own body! It hit the being right in the stomach. but it continued to zoom through the night, blood trailing behind it. it landed just outside the reach of the moon. it was still a shadow as in nodded a good-bye, and disappeared. The men were out of arrows. frank started to curse at them at the top of his lungs. they animals used it as an opportunity to get away. when they were safe in the heart of the forest, and moonlight was bandaged with cobwebs and leaves, Wolfrock voiced what was on everybody's mind."What WAS that thing that saved us?" nobody knew.

  42. man, it looks so small compared to the others :(

  43. lol, fell, not feel, and THE ARROWS his the being. forgot to change that

  44. hits*
    sheesh... cant type tday

  45. Funwow,feeling a little agitatedNovember 26, 2011

    Ok,now i'm starting to think ppl are forgeting about me.

    The lake of LIFE-literally

    Funfin was taking a visit to his burrow when the mysterious creature that had saved the animals last night flew by at the speed of light.He followed it as fast as he could. Until it fell into the lake.Funfin dived in and looked at it. It was a stone,with a picture on it. A..dolphinish picture.Feeling stupid,Funfin PLANTED the stone. He was feeling real peaceful until a shower of darts appeared above him. The humans were here again,well armed this time.Mist pulled Funfin back into an untooken cave den."GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOOOW FUNFIN!"
    he noticed EVERYONE was in there.TO BE CONTINUED...

  46. Chapter 10 by Seals8

    The dark shape shadowed the faint light of the moon. Cherryspice squealed, Thorn growled, Woodswolf stepped back nervously, and Wolfrock ylped in terror. "W-wolfrock?" The black shape said. "S-sunFur?" "Yeah. Remember? I knew ou when you were making the journey to the lake of life. You stooped in my home, Grepeion Forest, on the way!" Now te animals could see that the shaope was wolf shaped and that the fur was golden. Then there was a rumble, and at least 5 inches of the water in the lake drained. "Timme for plan B!" SunFur growled.


  47. Chapter 9 Morning
    Morning awoke with a shudder. She had had a dream where large metal creatures were tearing up the land, and knew that would be the future if the animal's didn't act fast. She knew these dreams weren't unusual because Morning was of the lightcats, and had all kinds of special powers, including her radiant pelt, which did not glow when something was wrong. Of course, right now her pelt wasn't glowing. Morning checked her powerful rocks. They were all there. Good. She set off for the den of Wolfrock. Wolfrock was there, writing in her diary. She saw Morning and asked, "Do you need anything?" and Morning replied, "I was going to ask if you needed anything." Morning held her little fluffy tail high. Wolfrock nodded, and Morning turned and headed for the forest. When a mouse disturbed her, she pawed at it and it quickly disappeared into its hole. When the got to the nest of the wise old owl, she asked him, "Are we going to be destroyed?" Will we all die?" The owl replied, "The lake will decide, little one. If it wants us to live, it will protect us." Morning wondered if the lake wasn't powerful enough, but she decided if it wasn't, she would help it. After Morning thanked the owl and went back into the forest, she thought the one question she feared: Will we all die?

  48. Chapter 10 Meet Minty
    The animals were wondering who had saved moonlight from the arrow, and they had went into the forest, searching for the answer. After a long while, Morning found a trail of blood and led everyone else down it. After it ended, a kitten that looked exactly Morning's age hobbled out of a bush, bleeding severely. The kitten collapsed, revealing a gash on her stomach. Moonlight asked, "Who are you?" the kitten replied, "I'm Minty, and I was the one who saved you." Wolfrock said, "Well, you need help." Minty looked up at Morning. "Hey," she said, "you're my sister." Morning replied, "You are?" Minty said nothing. After a moment, she said, "those two-legged creatures, they have two dogs. They call them Mars and Splay, and Mars taught Splay a battle move they call the Strike of Death, and they used it on me. But, remarkably, I'm not dead. After that, I asked the owl if we were meant to survive, and he said the lake chose, whatever that means. Then I asked him why I didn't die, and he said I had special powers." Morning said, "You do, remember? We're lightcats!" They brought Minty into where Wolfrock lived, and in about fifteen minutes, she was healed.
