Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Story

Prologue- by Darling
There was a forest in the middle of nowhere. A mountain seemed to watch over the forest. Between the mountain and forest,there was a lake. The Lake of Life as the animals say. But a human wanted to destroy the forest! He got this idea in a conversation with his friend Frank. The man said,"We all hate that forest,right?"
Frank said,"Yeah!I mean why wouldn't we Scar?"
Scar was that person's name.Scar said,"Yes...Well,I have an idea.We destroy it!"
Frank shouted,"BRILLIANT!"
Scar said,"Yes,Very. We kill ANY animal in our way!And get rid of that dumb lake!"
"Sir yes sir!"Said Frank. A bird had overheard them talking.It went and told everyone in the forests and mountains. The news spread like wildfire. Everyone in the world knew about it!When MoonLight was told, She came up with an idea.She told everyone that they must fight for their land.
Chapter one- Meet the Darling
In the forest there lived many animals.Some big some small some special,very special. These animals were Blackfur, MoonLight, Mist, Thorn, Woodswolf, Wolfrock, Foehn and Cherryspice. Mist was a wolf that lived in the mountain as a Guardian protecting its Secrets within it. MoonLight was a wolf that could change into a coyote in the moonlight. Blackfur was a wolf whom was a fighter and hunter. Woodswolf a wolf whom was caring helpful and kind. Foehn, an eagle who was friends with Mist. Only Mist knows his secret. Wolfrock, a wolf that keeps a diary. And a coyote named Thorn. He is proud and fierce. Cherryspice a white rat who's friends call her Sugar.
They all roam in this wonderful land in peace. With no fear. They rarely bothered one another. But not all is well once the humans show up. The animals must stand up and fight for their land. Or will they just be able to convince Scar and Frank to leave them alone with no harm done?

-Chapter 2- The Discovery By bunnylove3

An eagle flew high above the land, soaring through the sky. The other animals knew him as Foehn but he viewed himself as part of the sky. To him the sky wasn't a giant blue expanse of air, it was his freedom. His nest wasn't his home, he truly belonged in the sky, flowing, floating effortlessly with the wind. Of course if he told anyone all of this they would laugh at him, because he was known for being opposite of cogitative, careful and calm. He cast off those thoughts . He pondered several issues that came to mind and brainstormed new sky stunt techniques. He was used to the feeling of being high in the air. He was never feared falling because he was confident in his abilities. Foehn felt the smooth current of air rustle his feathers and lift him into the sky. There was no other experience quiet like flying. Foehn liked to fly in the cool, evening air to clear his mind and enjoy himself. Yet today he could not control the path of his untamed thoughts. So his mind wandered among the clouds. As he glided he witnessed the entirety of the land, the mountains, forests, lakes, the ocean, rivers, and meadows, but the rest faded over the horizon. He planned to one day explore what was beyond that horizon, but for now he stayed in the Valley. He thought he should go back to his nest becuase it was almost sunset but then he saw somthing. With his keen eyes Foehn spotted a strange vessel approaching from the ocean. Foehn noted that they resemble the water-floating crafts the Indians use. “Hmm...” he thought to himself “I wonder what that could be.” Foehn couldn't help but investigate and gleaned information from various seagulls and pelicans. Shocked by what the birds told him, he flapped as fast as he could back to the Valley. He had to get there in time to spread the news before it was
too late!

-Chapter 2 Part 2
Moonlight the wolf watched the sun sink below the horizon. She relaxed , sat on the shore of the Lake of Life and watched the light ebb from the sky. Night came and blew crisp breeze through her fur. Moonlight gazed up at the night sky and marveled at the stars. She noted there was no moon tonight, which was very important to her. She had a strange power to change from a wolf to coyote when she went in moonlight. Moonlight heard footsteps behind her and she whirled around, it was Woodswolf. “Oh hi Woodswolf. What are you doing here?” She responded smiling “Well, same as you I came down to sit by the lake. I cant fall to sleep. I have too much on my mind.” Woodswolf was one of the only ones who wasn't scared of Moonlight. Some people just didn't understand her and stayed away only because she was different. Admittedly Woodswolf was slightly unnerved about Moonlight's odd ability. Yet many animals had special powers because of the magical water they drank from the Lake of Life. As the two wolves talked Woodswolf seemed to have a sad, far off look in her eyes. Moonlight asked her what was wrong. She responded by shrugging and saying hesitantly “I... well it's-... nothings wrong! im okay, really.” Moonlight wasn't convinced but she didn't want to pry. The two wolves said goodbye to each other and Woodswolf went back to her den.

In the back of Moonlight's den there lived a white rat named Cherryspice. She overheard there conversation and pondered about it for a while. She sensed something was coming that would disturb their peace, and change their lives forever. She could tell Woodswolf could feel something too. The ominous calm before the storm had come, the beginning of a war...

Chapter Three The messenger by bunnylove3
A thunderstorm came without warning, drenching the ground in rain. Lightning illuminated the night for a split second, reveling dark, menacing clouds. Thunder rumbled in the distance and seemingly filled the sky with its sound. Large drops of rain bombarded Foehn's wings as he flew hurriedly to spread the word about his discovery. His mind flashed back to what the old Seagull had told him about the humans plot.“Ye wanna know what that object is there yonder ye say? Well ye came to the right seagull, laddie. Its called a ship, a boat. Its something them featherless two-leggers use to travel around on the sea.” Foehn then prodded him anxiously if he knew what they were coming for. “Now, now dont get your feathers in a twist! Arrrr! kids these days.... heh heh *cough cackle* Aye, I know a thing or to about it. You see they came all the way across that big ocean there. Well, a rat that was on the ship o'erheard a vital con'ersation from the human. Me heartie, Jason, got curious and he flew out to the ship. The rat told him all that what them humans said, then Jason passed the tale along to me If ye want to know the humans intentions your gonna ha'e to pay me in trinkets.” Most seagulls love shiny trinkets found along the beach. Foehn had his own ways of persuasion. He flared his giant wings menacingly and bared his talons. That was enough to get the cowardly seagull talking. He told Foehn that the humans were planning to come to this land they referred to as “The New World”. They wanted to settle down and live here. He said they intended to chop down a lot of trees from the forest and build their houses in the valley. On top of everything he told him they wanted to hunt us, even more than the Indians do. Then the seagull then continued on saying the humans were thinking about get rid of the Lake too. Foehn had heard enough! Not the Sacred Lake of Life! He spread his wings and took off into the sky. He couldn't believe it. He asked some more seagulls and pelicans, they confirmed his story. Foehn had to tell somebody! He had to spread the news! That was two hours ago,. Abnormally loud thunder disturbed his thoughts and brought him back to the present. He now flew through the storm, narrowly escaping bolts of lightning. Foehn loved danger, as he often did risky stunts for enjoyment. Except he would never fly through a thunderstorm like this. he was on a mission, the inhabitants of the land must be warned so that, maybe, they could have a chance to drive them away. Foehn's wings ached from flying and he was exhausted since he was supposed to be sleeping at this hour. He fleetingly considered perching in a tree for a bit. But then he pictured the havoc the humans would inflict if their intentions were as hostile as the seagull said. He was determined, so he soldered on, forcing himself to flap his wings. The rhythmical flapping of his wings lulled him to the point where he almost dozed off, then a rain drop when right in his eye. Blinking away the water he noticed he was above the forest. So he flew to the nearest den to begin spreading the news....

Wolfrock stared out the entrance of her den watching the rain fall down in the dim light of the moon. She couldn't seem to fall asleep so she decided to stay up a bit later. She was very bored, she hated rainy days, so she decided to write in her journal. After she was done she ate a midnight snack and sat down on her bed. She tried to be as quiet as possible so her mom didn't come and tell her to get to bed. She sighed thinking how normal and dull her life seemed. It didn't used to be that way, her life used to be so crazy with all that was going on. Especially when she was orphaned and the events before that. She kept those a secret even to her new “parents” Wolfrock was ready for an adventure, something to break the flow of everyday life. She got her wish, because adventure came knocking at her door, almost literally! Since she didnt have a door it came tumbling through the opening of their den in the form of a wet ball of feathers. The ball of feathers straightened itself and reveled a white head and a brown body. It was an eagle! He seemed familiar, then Wolfrock recognized him to be Foehn. The eagle's chest heaved up and down as he heaved ragged breaths. In between catching his breath he informed her of the coming of the invaders. Wolfrock was surprised and worried, she woke up her parents and told them. Foehn told her to tell anybody she could find and make sure everyone knew. Foehn said“I have to... go now.” Wolfrock replied “Why dont you stay awhile and rest you seem really tired!” Foehn then replied “No, no... I must go tell....mist..and everyone...else.” foehn lifted his weary wings and began flying of again. Wolfrock called out to him “Wait who is mist?” but Foehn was too far away to here her.
Chapter Four-Spreading the news -By Darling
The next night Wolfrock was still wondering who Mist was.But she did remember what Foehn had told her.Tell anybody you can find!Those words kept running through her head until she decided to go around and warn everybody.She decided to start out at the Lake of Life.She saw Blackfur and went over to him.Wolfrock said,"Hey Blackfur!"
"Oh hey."said Blackfur as he lifted his head from the lake,"What brings you here?"
"Oh yes!Me and Foehn are going around telling everyone we can find about how two humans are coming!They want to destroy the Lake of Life and our home!"said Wolfrock in grave sorrow.
Blackfur gave a low growl and said,"Why...Here?!"
"I don't know!But...We have to be ready to defend!"
"Hehe!I'm always ready!" said Blackfur.
Foehn flew through sky looking for someone to tell the news to.He spotted MoonLight's den and flew down there.Moonlight was sitting down eating breakfast.Then Foehn knocked on the door.Moonlight opened the door and said,"Come in Foehn!"
Foehn came in and said,"I have bad news..."
Moonlight shut the door and said,"What's the bad news?"
Foehn told Moonlight about the humans that were coming to destroy the lake and forest.
Moonlight gasped,"No!Not the lake!"
Foehn nodded and flew out the door.He began to look again.Then he spoted Woodswolf and decided to stop by and tell her what's going on.Foehn landed by Woodswolf and said,"Hey Woodswolf!I have some news to spread around,mind if I tell you it?"
Woodswolf turned around and said,"Go ahead!I have plenty of time to listen!"
Foehn said,"Humans are coming to cut down the forest and destroy the lake!"
"Huh?!" said Woodswolf,"Why?Why would they try to chase us off...Or...Even worse they could-"
Foehn said before Woodswolf could finish,"Don't think about that!"
Woodswolf sighed and said,"It could happen!"
Foehn said,'Forget that,I have to keep moving!"
Woodswolf nodded and waved goodbye.
Thorn was close by so Foehn went to him next.Thorn said,"What do you want?"
"I'm here to tell you what's going to happen!"said Foehn
"Ah yes,Wolfrock already told me!" replied Thorn.
"Oh..Great.I see she's doing as asked!"Foehn said happily.
He flew off.
Next was the little white rat Cherryspice.Foehn looked around for her.Where could she be?Then he saw a white figure.He thought it was Cherryspice and flew down to her.Cherryspice said,"Hello!"
Foehn said ,"Hi!"
"Have you heard the news?"Foehn asked.
"Why of course!I'm a white rat no one really pays attention to.It's like I'm not even there!" replied Cherryspice.
"Ah," said Foehn,"I must go now!Farewell Cherryspice!"
"Bye!" said Cherryspice.
Chapter Five-Meeting Mist-By Silverstorm
Wolfrock took a step closer to the lake.
"Hello." A calm voice said behind her.
Wolfrock, startled, jumped around, only to see a cloud of fog. "Who's there?"
"I am." Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white wolf walked out. "Hello, I am Mist."
"M-Mist?" Wolfrock was astonished. The wolf was gorgeous, unlike her dull gray fur. "The Mist?"
"Of Mt. Gizemdag, yes. Foehn has told me much about you."
"What are you doing here?"
"Coming to meet you." The white wolf took a step closer. "I am Mist of Mt. Gizemdag. I am the Guardian of it. What about you?"
"I-I am Wolfrock, you lives in a den just below Mt. Gizemdag. I-I have spread the news of the Lake of Life...And I document tragedy."
"Tragedy? Why not comedy?"
Wolfrock averted her eyes, looking nervous.
"Why?" Mist repeated.
Wolfrock gulped, then said, "I know not of happiness, just death."
Cherryspice made her nest so it would be just comfy enough. Suddenly she smelled mist, who promptly walked into the den.
"Why so happy?"
"I met Wolfrock. And I have a question to solve."
"What do you mean?" Cherryspice asked, not making direct eye contact.
"I mean something is troubling her, just what?"
"Well, how do you know?"
"She said, 'I know not of happiness, but of death." Not exactly that, of course, but something like that."
"Hmmm...Sounds like a she-wolf with some problems in her life."
"What do you mean?" Mist had a puzzled look on her face, like she had know idea.
"Well, no creature says that without anything bad happening in her life. How old is she?"
"About forty-eight moons."
"Hmmm...Does she have a mate?"
"I do not believe so. Foehn said nothing of it, just that she was a young, curious wolf."
"Then it must of been when she was a pup. Something to do with her family, probably."
"Oh, thank you Cherryspice!"
Mist rushed of to see Foehn.
Chapter 6

Lake encounter-By Funwow

Woodswolf was strolling near the lake of life when a noise startled her.The noise was coming from a nearby bush.She was suprised to see 2 somewhat small animals she never saw before.A sea greenish rabbit and a small hamster.The rabbit was so startled that he stumbled into the lake.The Hamster quietly introduced herself."Hi,my name is Sky,A campbell's dwarf hamster,very nice to meet you woodswolf"said the hamster.The small bunny introduced himself,followed by a splash."Hi!My name is Funfin,one of the last surviving rabbits here,I'm the last male of my spieces also." Funfin got a little carried away telling woodswolf about himself until he finally ran away to his burrow to dig up some sunflower seeds-as his small diet causes him to drink tons of water from the lake.Thorn was looking for a rabbit to eat,found Funfin,and just snorted."You look too small for me,but you also look tasty,I'll have to think about you.
Mist was carving out a small anagram on Mt.Gizemdag's side with a rock,I think it said you were to get eaten by me."
Mist was actually flying down to the ground with Foehn's help,tring to introduce the new animals,as they found Funfin wrapped around in leaves and dirt near the top of the Mountain,so Funfin told Mist about Sky and Sky told Funfin about Blazeheart because Sky was with Funfin when found but Sky had a little burrow near the top of the mountain.So did funfin,or at least he was working on his.Cherryspice was secretly riding on Wolfrock while Wolfrock was running to the lake of life since sunset was minutes away and she likes to meet moonlight there.Blazeheart was strangely indepentent while making her den.blackfur was practicing his Just Banging Hardly At A Boulder routine.The sun was set and it was nearly pitch black.many went back to their homes.Mist was talking to Sky and Funfin about something no one knew about.Another mystery about the lake of life Foehn Assumed.He was the only one awake other than The three down near the was pitch black so Mist took them up near the mountain top to their burrows.Foehn finally went alsleep still thinking about everythig he had gone through since he came to the lake of life.Mist just lay down on the mountain and went alsleep sooner or later.The next morning there was somewhat commotion near the lake.....
Chapter Seven by Paigeh52
When Wolfrock awoke the next morning, she went down to the lake of life. She did this frequently, and no one thought anything of it. When she got down there, she knew something was wrong. She was the first animal down here this morning; her nose told her that. Her nose also took in another smell. Not a good one. The smell of humans. But there was something else.... what WAS it? Soon she heard the startled cry of Moonlight. She ran over to her startled friend "what?" whispered Wolfrock. "th-that smell..." Cried the bewildered wolf. "the humans? I know.... Horrible...." "No, no. Yes, the smell of the humans is bad, but there is something much worse along with it. The smell of the cutter." "the cutter?" It was funfin and Sky, they had just arrived. "whats the cutter?" "the cutter is a horrible thing that the humans use to cut down the trees... To cut down our HOME!" Replied Moonlight. Soon Cherryspice came running up. "wolfrock!!!! moonlight!!!!" what, Sugar, what?" "FOOTPRINTS!" "offfff....?" "HUUUUMMAAAAANNNNSSSS" Cherryspice stretched out the word like it was bubblegum. The gang followed Cherryspice to a spot accross the clearing, and witnessed some horrible sights. Cut down stumps of trees! Only a few, but there were also boot prints... And if only the animals knew that the tube leading into the lake was sucking the water out... They didn't know that, but they did know something else. They would have to think, and think FAST if they wanted to keep living at the lake!
 Chapter 7 by Paiged52
When Wolfrock awoke the next morning, she went down to the lake of life. She did this frequently, and no one thought anything of it. When she got down there, she knew something was wrong. She was the first animal down here this morning; her nose told her that. Her nose also took in another smell. Not a good one. The smell of humans. But there was something else.... what WAS it? Soon she heard the startled cry of Moonlight. She ran over to her startled friend "what?" whispered Wolfrock. "th-that smell..." Cried the bewildered wolf. "the humans? I know.... Horrible...." "No, no. Yes, the smell of the humans is bad, but there is something much worse along with it. The smell of the cutter." "the cutter?" It was funfin and Sky, they had just arrived. "whats the cutter?" "the cutter is a horrible thing that the humans use to cut down the trees... To cut down our HOME!" Replied Moonlight. Soon Cherryspice came running up. "wolfrock!!!! moonlight!!!!" what, Sugar, what?" "FOOTPRINTS!" "offfff....?" "HUUUUMMAAAAANNNNSSSS" Cherryspice stretched out the word like it was bubblegum. The gang followed Cherryspice to a spot accross the clearing, and witnessed some horrible sights. Cut down stumps of trees! Only a few, but there were also boot prints... And if only the animals knew that the tube leading into the lake was sucking the water out... They didn't know that, but they did know something else. They would have to think, and think FAST if they wanted to keep living at the lake!
Chapter 8 The Plan By Darling
"NO!" screamed Moonlight,"They already are working there evil!"
"Yes yes," replied CherrySpice, "They are doing other evil things too!"
"Hmm Like what?" asked Wolfrcok,
Cherryspice shook her head as if to say 'No clue'
Woodswolf walked up.She knew what was happening.In fact she saw it her self.She stared  at the trees and shook her head.She said ,"Well if we want THIS to keep happening we can't just sit around!" For once she sounded the slightest bit strict."We must think of a plan!"
Sky said,"Well...We really don't want to cause too much trouble,you know like life-risking?"
Everyone nodded.Thorn walked up.He heard every bit."Well....What we have to do is just try to get them to go with out really injuring them...And ourselves!"
"Yeah," replied Moonlight."We scare them off?It almost Dusk....And I get them where I can stand in the moonlight...My shapeshifting might scare them!"
"Maybe!" said BlackEar. He had been silent the entire time.As if he didn't care.Suddenly Foehn flew up.He had kept an eye on the humans with Mist who was running up to the worried animals.
"Come quick!" said Mist,turning around running to the lake.Everyone followed.
At the Lake of Life...all the animals gathered.They decided to try and scare of the humans with Moonlight's plan.Then BlackEar and Thorn chase them off.They might have to use their teeth though.But the only thing that wasn't thought through was the machines!What will they do about  them?Mist said,"I just thought about this....What about their machines?"
"Oh no the plan is SO going to work!!" said Cherryspice excitedly.
"Oh oh!They're coming!Places go go!Move swiftly!" said Moonlight.She hid in the shadows.Thorn and BLackEar  ran to their posts.The rest of the gang was ready to help if needed.Moonlight took a deep breathe.She tried not to move as the humans approached.She took a step forward.Creeping into the moonlight,her coat black like a phantom.She lifted her head into the moonlight snarling.Her head then turned into a coyote's.She moved another step forward,growling warning the others that it was about time.Scar noticed that Moonlight was part wolf part coyote and laughed.Frank shivered.Scar whispered to Frank,"Better watch out it a Coyote-Wolf!"
Moonlight snarled louder and BlackEar and Thorn Jumped out snarling,snapping and growling out them.The other animals along with Moonlight cornered the humans.But it was no use.Scar laughed and snapped his fingers.Men with bow-and-arrows appeared.Turns out Moonlight's plan was a fail.She hung her head shamefully.This was HER  fault.All the animal were in danger because of HER!Moonlight decided to take a stand and leaped forward in front of the men with bow-and-arrows.She gulped.Blackear and Thorn appeared behind her.Moonlight shooed them off.She got them into this,she'll get them out!
A mystery, by paigeh52

Moonlight, now in her coyote form, stepped up to the arrow men. she snarled. One of the men let loose an arrow, and it just skimmed the top of her head. But that was no ordinary arrow. it was a signal. it was a signal that meant for everyone else to shoot. there weren't all that many people, but one or two arrows would kill moonlight, easy. the arrows started shooting every which way, and Moonlight did her best to dodge them. But one struck her leg. she feel, and couldn't get back up. Thorn stepped forward to help, but Moonlight snarled, "Don't risk your lives. stay in the forest!" But thorn ignored her. he stepped into the firing range, shielding Moonlight. An arrows want speeding straight towards his head. it would be a killer, if a large mysterious creature weren't waiting in the shadows. Whatever it was, it jumped in to block the shot with his/her own body! It hit the being right in the stomach. but it continued to zoom through the night, blood trailing behind it. it landed just outside the reach of the moon. it was still a shadow as in nodded a good-bye, and disappeared. The men were out of arrows. frank started to curse at them at the top of his lungs. they animals used it as an opportunity to get away. when they were safe in the heart of the forest, and moonlight was bandaged with cobwebs and leaves, Wolfrock voiced what was on everybody's mind."What WAS that thing that saved us?" nobody knew.
Chapter Ten Who Did It?
Moonlight groaned, "Who was that? I could have won that fight on my own!"
"Oh no! You'd be dead with out that thing!" Thorn mumbled.
"Be glad you're alive." Woodswolf replied with a voice like silk.
"Lets charge back! They're out of those wooden things!" Cherryspice said.
" We'd die!" countered Blackear, "This place isn't worth losing our lives for!"
"Yes it is! And I won't rest until I'm sure its safe!" Wolfrock said determined to get the others to come with her.
A shape walked up. "We must fight on..." it mumbled. And wandered away.
"Who was that?! Was it our Savior?" Moonlight asked.
"No... It couldn't be...." Funfin said. He had been out of breathe since the first attack and is starting to come back to reality.
"That looks like..." Foehn mumbled a name... Then he took flight with a worried face.
"Mist?!? Foehn called "MIST?! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
"Down here!" she called an arrow sticking out of her stomach. "Help......."
Chapter Eleven- Pay Back
Foehn flew right down to Mist and pressed to her side. "It will be alright, Mist!"
Mist looked at Foehn blankly, " You MUST help the others fight on!" She said firmly, "The Lake is special. And so are they! They can defeat the humans! Its their destiny."
Foehn gulped, " Does that mean you've reached the end of yours?"
Mist frowned," Of course not! Well depends if you can get the stick out of me." she growled, tugging on the arrow. Foehn helped get the arrow out and got cobwebs to patch up the wound.
Foehn smirked, "Well you lump of fur, I saved your life once again!"
Mist nudged Foehn with her paw," You're lucky I didn't EAT you when I found you!" She grinned."Now. I'm ready to meet those animals!" She grunted as she rose onto all four paws and stumbled towards the groups of animals. Mist stopped when she was close by and listened to the animals before her.
"You all heard the Savior!" Thorn growled, "We must go after them! They're weaker now!"

"Furbrain!" Blackear huffed,"Wanna die today? Cause I feel like living!"

"I could take a break from it for a while," Moonlight shrugged, glancing at the wound that the arrow made in her leg.

"But they're weak NOW!" Blazeheart commented.

"Yeah!" Cherryspice squeaked.

Wolfrock stepped forward, "Blackear if you don't want to help stay and take care of Moonlight!The rest of us are going to risk anything and everything to-

"To help this place. For its your destiny."Mist came out of the bushes.

"Destiny! Ha!" Blackear snorted.

"Its true!" Foehn landed on Mist's shoulder.

"Blackear. You're either with us.... Or you can go back to your lonely life as a wolf in the Soon to be destroyed forest." Woodswolf sighed.

Moonlight nodded her head in the direction of the humans. "They're looking for us! Into the shadows!"

"Whose ready for payback?" Funfin whispered.

All the animals slipped into the shadows. Moonlight, ignoring the throbbing pain from her wound, motioned Blackear to follow her. "We are the surprise attack Blackear."

"Hmm. Sure you can attack there?" He held back a puff of laughter.

"I'll be fine." she narrowed her eyes.

On my howl guys!" Thorn nodded. He let out a howl.
Moonlight Blackear Wolfrock and Woodswolf joined in
Thorn jumped onto One of the bowsman and broke his bow in half. Letting out a warning snarl. The man ran away with a yelp.
Cherryspice and Funfin ran over to the machines, looking for a small space where they could sabotage them. Wolfrock and Woodswolf worked side by side fighting the bows men.
Mist look hatefully at Scar and whispered to Foehn, "I have an old score to settle with him."

"Oooh ooh! Can i take Frank down?"

"Be my guest." She snarled.Mist lashed out at Scar, claws unsheathed and razor sharp. She raked his back.

"Idiot animals! Give up!" He flung Mist onto the ground. Mist hopped right back up. And started to nip Scar's legs.

"Not as long as I live Scar!" Mist looked him in the eyes and let out a furious snarl.
 All of a sudden a yelp came out of the blue as Foehn dropped to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his chest.
"NO!" Mist screeched.


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